Category: Published

I just got back from TNEO–The Never Ending Odyssey–a one week workshop for Odyssey Writing Workshop alums. As much as I learned from Odyssey, one of the greatest benefits has been the network of talented, supportive writers that become writing family. I learned some new things, reinforced some others, got some validation and some feedback, hung out with 21 others who were just as happy as me talking about writing all week, and came home recharged and ready to write! Yay!

To make it even more awesome, the morning I left, I received word that Daily Science Fiction is buying another of my stories, my 4th sale to DSF. This one is called “Scenes from a Solitary Life” and it’s one of my favorites, so I’m stoked that it’s found a home. More info to come as I get the details. Double yay!

New story up!

“500 Seconds” is available at Daily Science Fiction! Hope over and have a read. I’d love to know what you think.

500 Seconds

New Story Up

I forgot to announce this sale back in April, but no worries, my story “Music and Poetry” can now be read over at NewMyths!

Follow me!

This story is a little different than my usual fare. It started with the simple idea of taking the old adage “write what you know.” I wanted to see how much passion came through if I wrote about something I am passionate about. That’s where the ‘Music’ came in. I took my love of the piano and put it into a story.

But, somewhere along the way, ‘write what you don’t have the foggiest clue about’ also made an appearance, hence the poetry. The result is a quiet, bittersweet tale of emotion and discovery.


Another sale

It’s been a good week for me! Daily Science Fiction bought another flash piece from me. “500 Seconds” is a dark glimpse at a man who believes he has the power to destroy us all, and what happens when his life falls apart.

I don’t have a date yet when it will be out, but I’ll post here as soon as it’s available.


Big news!

I’ve sold a story to Alex Shvartman’s UFO4 anthology!




Unidentified Funny Objects is an ongoing successful series of anthologies specializing in specualtive humor. UFO4 will focus on the theme of dark fiction. These anthologies are chock full quality story goodness, well worth the price of admission. Along with newer authors (like me!), previous issues have included names such as Robert Silverberg, Ken Liu, Tim Pratt, Mike Resnick, Piers Anthony, Cat Rambo, and many more.

And that’s the most exciting thing about my story being in UFO4. It will be sharing a table of contents with Neil freakin’ Gaiman! Oh yeah, and George R. R. Martin. And Piers Anthony, Mike Resnick, Esther Friesner, Tim Pratt, and Jody Lyn Nye.

By far the most exciting thing that’s happened on the writing front for me so far.

And it’s been a good year so far (knock on wood). Hopefully I’ll have more good news coming soon.

Here’s a link to the UFO publishing blog: UFO Publishing

And here’s a link to the current UFO4 Kickstarter: UFO4


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