I’ve always had a creative itch and a love of pushing buttons. Software development – video games mainly – was my answer, the best way I could find to create new worlds and still push buttons. These days, I’m feeling that much of the creativity has been sucked out of the software development industry, or at least it’s been passed on to a younger generation. So I’ve turned to writing.
And that’s where I am now… still trying to be creative and still pushing buttons.
Hey Bud, just wanted to see if the new Gravatar image would show up.
Alright Brent, I nominated you for one of those blog award things. This one is the Liebster Award. Not sure how you feel about them, so no worries about responding or not. Hope you’re doing well!
Thanks for following my blog! Please contact me at leona@leonawisoker.com — I have some questions for you, if you have the time. Thanks again! –Leona Wisoker
Hi Mr Smith,
Really enjoyed your short story, “500 seconds”.
I do not profess to be an expert on books or literature, however I do know what I like. I really liked your story.
Hello, Brent! I just read “500 Seconds.” Thank you for that lovely slice o’ foreboding life. You just prodded my own creative talent into awakening with a grumble.
Wait – that’s me every morning.
Anyway, I can’t help but wonder – since it takes 500 seconds for Sol’s EM energy to reach the earth, and there’s 60 seconds remaining, what happens when that 440 seconds of free range, unbridled, and terrifying of nothingness hits?
Hmmm……I smell an idea. Either that, or that’s just a couple of brain cells roasting.